Photo: Petra Rautenstrauch
Creativity is the motor of my life.
This and my deep passion and curiosity for human and non human beings.
I believe that chaos is the natural state of the universe and improvisation the nearest we get to perfection.
Otherwise, perfection doesn't mean much to me. It is genuineness I am looking for.
I think that variety is the very nature of life and monoculture of any kind is exploiting people and their environment.
So this is why I don't limit myself to one way of expression and refuse to see myself as "the writer", "the musician", "the artist" or "the performer".
Instead I prefer to enjoy working with words, sound, image and movement the way it seems to fit the actual here and now of every day in every project.
I feel a responsibility as a human being as well as an artist to try making a difference, changing the world, even if it often feels like nothing more than the wing beat of a butterfly.
All we have is our way of going further, the process as the only constant element of existence.
With each step you fall forward slightly. And then catch yourself from falling ... And this is how you can be walking and falling at the same time.
(Laurie Anderson)
1963 born in Vienna, Austria
1967 start of musical education: piano, violin, flute, musical composition
1982 graduation from specialized high school for musicians (Musikgymnasium Wien)
1983-1986 studies of psychology at University Vienna
1987/1988 course in audio engineering at SAE Vienna
1988 birth of my son
1993/94 work with the band Pan´s Desire (songwriting, piano, voice). Voice training with Maria-Therese Escribano
1994-1996 work as a musical creativity trainer at primary schools
1996 start of work as piano teacher
1996 composition for the project Ton in Ton soundsculptures (with Natalia Kukelka and Don Reetz), exhibition at WUK Wien
1997 birth of my daughter
1998/99 work with musical cabaret group Vorstadt-Büro (composition, violin)
1999/2000 composition and recording for theater productions Die Schneekönigin and Pinocchio for kid's theater company Die Rastlosen
2002 founding of studio huglmugl – music and more in Vienna
2003/2004 voice training with Luisa Celentano und Mario Botazzi
2005 start of intense prose writing, in the following years several publications, readings in Austria and abroad
+ bird house sculpture wenn ich ein vöglein wär ... for Claudia Märzendorfer's project For the Birds
+ participation in free musical improvisation project Bed In with Karine Blanche Seror, Lise Vinberg, Elisabeth Kelvin. (violin)
+ voice training TWIS (The World Is Sound) with Irena Tomazin and Alessio Castellacci
+ Butoh dance training with Natascha Wöss
+ contemporary dance training with Bert Gstettner
+ participation in the video performance project in my house with Karine Blanche Seror and Rainer Berson
+ project my body is a moving field (dance) with Petra Rautenstrauch (photography)
2021 Painted Music Project with artist Eva Wolfram-Ertl
+ sound installation and performance "Listen To The World" for the exhibition "Licht der Menschheit" by Manu Tober
+ album production & release "Painted Music - Improvisations in sound & color"
+ exhibition "I am structure" - drawings & photographs at Sternstudio Gallery Vienna
+ text performance John Cage: Lecture on nothing/Lecture on something with Florian Sedivy at Sternstudio Gallery Vienna
+ publication of the short story "Entpuppung" for the anthology "Wechselhafte Jahre", Leykam
+ home game/heimspiel. Performative intervention with Florian Sedivy for the exhibition "flow/home" by Holger Lang, Künstlerhaus Factory
+ In meinen Träumen läutet es Sturm. Ein musikalisch-biografisch-literarisches Programm. For "Fremde Erde – Festival Verfemte Musik"
+ Der Gesang der Räder in den Schienen (short stories, Luftschacht 2007)
+ Kopf aus den Wolken (novel, Eichborn 2010)
+ Zehntelbrüder (novel, Eichborn 2012/ FVA 2018)
+ Marilyn Monroe – Wer? Eine Art Vorwort (introduction, Psychosozialverlag 2014)
+ Sprache als Bild – Ein Besuch im Garten Gethsemane (introduction to Podium Portrait 78 Franka Lechner, poems)
+ Bora. Eine Geschichte vom Wind (novel, FVA 2015)
+ Zwölf Stunden und dann? Short story. In "Geschichten zum Geburtstag", Residenz 2015)
+ Traumrakete (novel, FVA 2018)
+ URGENTPOETRY. 6 Gedichte aus dem gleichnamigen Zyklus, SALZ 184 Show Lyrik 2021
+ Entpuppung. Short story. In "Wechselhafte Jahre", Leykam 2023